What is CURA Brazil?

CURA stands for CUidado, Respeito, Amor (care, respect, love).

In 2007, CURA Brazil, was born out of a dream by Itu Church of Christ, the Johnson Street Church of Christ, Antenor and Phyllis Goncalves (missionaries with the Itu Church of Christ), Dr. Gregory Dunham (Ob/Gyn from San Angelo, Texas), and Soraya Rossi (currently a 6th year medical student in Sao Paulo, Brazil). The trip is under the sponsorship of Johnson Street Church of Christ here in San Angelo, Texas. The medical team consists of gynecologists, cardiologists, dentists, internists/family practitioners, ophthalmologists/optometrists, dermatologists, physical therapists/trainers, nurses and counselors. The mission will be a cooperative effort between U.S. and Brazilian practitioners. It is scheduled for July 12-16, 2010. Last year the team saw 745 patients during the week and addressed a vast array of physical needs.

All care is provided with the understanding that Jesus Christ is the Great Physician, and it is the intent that our attempt at the relief of physical suffering will show forth the love of God and let the people know that He is the only true source of healing. All participants are expected to be the embodiment of the hands, feet and heart of Jesus Christ.

Additionally, those attending the clinic will be taught the relationship between hygiene and health, and information will be provided to promote dental health, improvements in nutrition and to better understand the signs and symptoms of illness.