Saturday, July 10, 2010

Sunset tonight in Brazil


  1. Just read the post on getting ice cream.... God is truly awesome.... I just love how He works..... love that you are a part of His plan!

  2. Rob read your older posts too. I wrote on that.

  3. Hey girl. I finally got to a computer! Your trip sounds amazing. I hope that the first day in the clinic is more than you ever imagined. Continue to shine in His light and open other hearts to His love and power. Miss you lots, but love you more! Kimberli

  4. Hey Rob, I'm having mom post this because I haven't got the blog figured out yet. I will keep trying. I am praying for you and excited for all God has in mind for you. We love you, Glenn

  5. Hey Robyn
    Been praying for you. Sensing some serious resistence so been waring against that . Don't know if in the spirit realm or physical either FB me or something so i know specifics. I want to share a vision I had in hopes to encourage you or to encourage some whom are with you. I saw a Group of people and myself literally stepping up on chairs, stools anything to elevate their position. Thought that's weird and went on about my doings...saw it again asked whats this about...then tried to re-focus however the Lord finally got my attention and i tuned in to what He was trying to tell here it is.... You are an heir to the Kingdom of Heaven because you are a child of the King. (Gal 4:7 Rom 8:17) Remember His desire is to bring Heaven to Earth the blessing or our inheritance is ours Now not just when we get to Heaven. I was then reminded of my position in the Kingdom (Deut.28) set high above all nations of the earth, you shall be above only and not beneath,at the head and not the tail, all that you touch will be blessed... then a resounding "NOW TAKE YOUR PLACE and Stay put" The revelation i received to this was that all I have to do to receive the increase is to step up and take my place...whether in recieving my inheritance, in submission, in obedience, or
    in warfare (Deut 28 also says enimies will rise against me and be defeated b/c of my inheritance and blessing in Christ Jesus.) It is mine. He will give me the kingdom, the nations,the more we so deeply desire... Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven have been provided we only have to step up into our position and use them. One more addition to my journey and lesson on authority. Ha! The stay put part was that my inheritance is permanent, I am the one who chooses to set it down as if it weren't mine...and kind of like the Robe of Righteousness (Isa 61:10)... I am the one who chooses to take off the garment of my salvation and the robe of righteousness. That was never HIs intent. His intent is for us to stay clothed and adorned as a Child of the King and to walk in our inheritance He paid a grueling price for.

    So love you and so proud of you. Holy Spirit come and place a ring of fire around and about Robyn and her team. I pray she takes her place clothed in your glory Lord!!! May your Kingdom come to EARTH through this willing vessel. Yippee!!! can't wait to hear what He does.

    Robin Harmon
